Tuesday 3 June 2014

We Journey to Four Countries in 24 Hours.

We journey to Four Countries in 24 Hours.
This morning we say goodbye to Amsterdam and travel through part of the Netherlands and into Belgium and then through the Belgium countryside to the small country of Luxembourg. This will take us most of the day.
On the way we stop at a historic diamond polishing factory to see diamond cutters at work with an insight into this Local Speciality. We then travel to Haarzuilens to visit the magnificent gardens of the fairy-tale De Hara Castle. This is a large beautiful looking castle and it’s gardens are very grand. The rose garden is formally laid out and is just coming into full bloom. We spent time walking right around the castle but unfortunately we do not have time to go inside.
The De Hara Castle and it's gardens.

The Castle and it's moat.

The Main Entrance to the Castle.
We stop for lunch at the historic fortified city of Maastricht. This is the last city in the Netherlands and the last time we see Dutch cards and souvenirs. After this stop we cross over the border into Belgium.
Our next stop is near the town of Bastogne and we go to view the large American War Memorial, erected to commemorate the 76,890 American soldiers wounded or killed during the Battle of the Bulge. The monument is in the shape of a star and it is large and also high. It has every state of America engraved on the points of the star and also lists the various American units that fought in the battle. It was very moving.
The American Memorial at Bastogne.
 When you travel through this beautiful green and lushly treed countryside you cannot help but think what it would have looked like when the fighting during the 2nd World War was taking place and all those thousands of young men were losing their lives so far from home. This was brought home to us even more when the next day we visit General George Patton’s grave and see the 5000 white crosses that honour the fallen allied soldiers. We are also told that not far away on another hill there is another cemetery with over 7000 German Soldiers graves.
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is only 80klms from top to bottom, its capital is Luxembourg City and this is where we are staying for two nights. It has a delightful old city and the historic centre is bound by cliffs that once made the city an easily defensible stronghold.
 We spend time visiting the Cathedral Notre Dame and seeing the Palais Grand-Ducal and walking the old cobblestone lanes. The views from the city down into the valley are just beautiful. Unfortunately it is a cold wet day and our walk is cut short.

                                                  Inside the Grand Cathedral in Luxemburg.

Later in the day we are taken across the border into Germany and the Roman Town of Trier. This town has an impressive Roman History and was once the headquarters of the northern Roman Empire. We have a local guide and after viewing the town from high up in the hills we are taken on a very interesting and informative guided walk of the town of Tried.
This town has everything –beautiful Cathedral and Churches, old Roman ruins including a Roman bath house and a massive town entrance gate, a beautiful restored Palace with formal gardens and the prettiest city centre and market place with an impressive fountain and many period houses and shops. We really enjoyed our time in Trier and we both agreed that this is the sort of town that we would like to spend a couple of days in and really learn and understand the history of this ancient town.
The Front of the Palace.

The beautifully restored Large Roman Building.

The well preserved Old Roman Gate.

Beautiful Buildings facing onto the City's Square.

The Cathedral of the City of  Trier.

Before we go back to our hotel in Luxembourg we are taken up into the hills for a wonderful dinner experience. The German Restaurant is set high above the Morsel Valley and it has magnificent views from its verandas down into the valley and overlooking the whole Town of Trier. Dinner is very enjoyable and we are all very happy on the bus trip back to the hotel. We all laugh together and sing songs with great gusto all the way back.

                           Allan having a good time with some of the people from our tour group.

We have had a very full day but it has been great fun and very educational. Our two days around Luxembourg have been very enjoyable and the special trip across the border to Trier was very special.

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