Friday 25 April 2014

Wonderful Day in Rome.

We have just finished a fantastic meal at our favourite restaurant Cecio's directly across from our bed and breakfast - Maryellen's. We really enjoy being back in Rome and to catch up with the staff at Cecio's and have them member us from two years ago was fantastic. It is a small restaurant but every time we go there the staff are always exceptionally jovial, the Italian food absolutely beautiful, the wine fantastic and the customers from all around  the world are chatting with one another and sharing their experiences.

Our dinner has been a fantastic end to a very full-day. We rode the bus to Santa Costanzo one of the oldest churches in Rome. It was built as a mausoleum by Emperor Constantine back in the 4th century AD and is now used as a Catholic Church. This is very strange for a church as it is built in a round circle. We were the only visitors there and it was just superb to be able to explore such a beautiful place steeped in history by ourselves. We also visited Santa' Agnes Fuori le Mura a beautiful church where some parts of St Agnes is buried. Rome is full of beautiful basilica's and they all have Devine Relics in them. Head, heart, hands, any bits are revered and stored in the alter or there on display for people to see.

The next place we visited was Museo National Romano, just around the corner from where we are staying. It is the worlds leading museum for Roman Classical Art. It was just outstanding. It actually houses many of the wonderful Classical Sculptures/Statues excavated found around Rome, many dating back to the 2nd  century AD. They were just magnificent . Also in this museum were many beautiful wall and floor mosaics from the 4th century and the breathtaking frescoes from Livia's Summer Villa dating back to 40-50 years before Christ. There is a very large room, the walls of which are covered with painted frescos of trees, flowers and birds in a serene green, you feel like you are in a garden. Everything was just wonderful and beautifully presented. The whole museum was just fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone.

We then ventured to the famous Spanish Steps and did a self guided walk through some of the cobblestone streets of Rome to the famous Trevi Fountain. This area was so busy- people everywhere but it is still lovely to be part of it and to walk  amongst so many happy people seeing the fantastic sites and enjoying the beautiful day-weather wise-that Rome has given us today. This weekend is a very special time in Rome -Pope John xxiii and Pope John Paul 11 are being canonised as Saints and I presume that this is why there's so many people in Rome and there is such a buzz of excitement in the air.

We are now sitting on our bed, the bells from Santa Maria Maggiore are ringing out 9pm and it is time to call an end to our first day in the Eternal City. We have had a great day and accomplished all that we had set out to do.

Sorry no pictures as yet -having a few problems.

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