Sunday 27 April 2014

My Two Hour "Church Crawl"

I love having some time to myself in Rome to explore the places that I really enjoy. This afternoon I have 2 hours to visit 3 churches in the Termini area close to where we are staying. All 3 are very old, with very impressive and colourful Byzantine mosaic pictures as one of their main features.                       

The first is Santa Pudenziana a third century church built in the time of Constantine.

A close-up of the beautiful mosaics behind the alter.
It is not as grand as most churches in Rome, a lot smaller in size but it has a wonderful façade and great mosaics in side. There are no other people in this church - I have it all to myself.

Next I visit one of the oldest Basilica's in Rome - it is Santa Pressed. This is a magnificent cathedral with a fantastic history and many historic items in it. It is said to have the pillar that Christ was scoured at as one of its most sacred items.
 I am not sure exactly what this represents but it is made entirely of mosaic tiles  - I will go back and purchase a book about the history and what everything means. After seeing my photos I would like to know more information about them.
 Mosaic pictures of Christ and his followers in the main part of the church behind the alter.
A very small chapel off to the side of the main cathedral. The pictures are all fine mosaics.
This church is very busy with people on tours, others praying and many others taking photos and looking at the wonderful art work. I light 2 candles one in memory of my Mum and one for a friend who has just passed away.
When I go outside it has been raining - people are scurrying everywhere. The umbrella sellers have come out and they are madly selling their umbrellas. It is 6pm when I cross the road and climb the stairs to one of the largest and most important Basilica's in Rome - Santa Maria Marjore.

Inside the Basilica is exceptionally busy. There are thousands of people attending a special mass and many others admiring the wonderful art and art works.

Close-up of the Byzantine mosaic in the half dome behind the alter.
There are six priests saying mass under a beautiful golden canopy. I get the feeling that they are visiting from around the world because of the Canonisation of the two Popes and that they have been given the honour of conducting mass in this most beautiful and religious place. They seem to have their families with them and their is a lot of excitement.
I purchase two crosses from the gift shop, stop in at the supermarket and then scurry but to our B&B.
 Tea tonight consists of Italian ham, cheese, dry biscuits, strawberries and chocolate  in our room. The rain is falling and there is plenty of thunder around.

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