Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Brachina & Bunyeroo Gorges.


                                           The Brachina & Bunyeroo Gorges - Scenic Drive Loop.

Today we head to the northern area of the Flinders Ranges National Park to drive a 150klm scenic loop that will take in two spectacular gorges - Brachina and Bunyeroo. Our day also includes visiting several special viewing areas and a couple of short walks. Most of this drive is on rough winding and undulating gravel roads and also involves driving down sandy or rocky dry river beds - it takes us 8 hours to complete.

Just a few of the Fantastic Views of the Flinders Ranges we saw on the drive.

This area is known as a “Geological Spectacular” and 20klms of this drive is along a corridor through geological time line. This Geological Trail known as the Brachina Geological Trail shows us 12 different formations and different rock types. The landscape reveals the sedimentary layers of an ancient seabed that has been uplifted and folded into the Flinders Rangers of to-day. The oldest formations are at the start of the trail and they are Enorama Shale which was laid down 640 million years ago and as we travel west the land becomes younger ending at the 520 million year old Wirrealpa Limestone. The trail is very well marked out with great information and would be fantastic if you were really into geology- but we are here to see the sights and views – not enough time to take in all this rock stuff – (but I must admit it is very interesting.) Many photos are taken of the different ranges we cross and the rock formations we pass - they all look so different in colour and texture because of their geological history.

These are views of some of the different geological rock formations along the track. Every one of the 12 formations was explained on an information board.

The Track takes you through all 12 periods in the formation of the Ranges in this area.

On the way to the start of the Geological Trail we stop at two spectacular viewing areas. They are known as Hacks Lookout and Stokes Hill Lookout. Both our situated on the tops of hills (which thankfully we can drive to) and they have magnificent 360° views of the mountain ranges that make up the Flinders Rangers National Park.

Venturing further along the main road and located two kilometres off the main road is the Appealinna Homestead. These are ruins of an original Homestead set along a very picturesque Red Gum Creek. John Wills was the original occupier back in the 1860’s, who was known for his cattle and goat breeding. It is a very pretty spot and we have a great adventure checking out the old house, the kitchen, the beautiful old stone fences and the old vegetable garden.

The Appealinna Homestead Ruins - such a peaceful spot beside a dry creek bed 2klms from the main road.

We interrupted this little fellows sleep. We saw many kangaroos as well as Emus on this drive.
About Half way along the trail we take another diversion and travel 6klms out to another deserted old Homestead known as the Aroona Ruins. There is one other couple at this site - so we share the only table under a lovely old tree and have lunch together. The actual ruins are on a hill about 100mts walk. Unfortunately there is very little remaining of the house but there is a spring with fresh water and many fruit and olive trees that must have been planted by the original residents. The views from up on the hill are magnificent but I cannot imagine living out here in such a remote place.

We had lunch at this table. The Huts at Aroona are in the background.

This Bearded Dragon Lizard was sitting just at the start of the walk up to the Aroona Homestead Ruins. He enjoyed having his photo taken and was still sitting in the same place when we returned.

This is the site of the Old Homestead - it is on a hill with a fantastic view towards a valley and mountain range.
When we return to the trail road we enter Brachina Gorge and the drive for the next 24klms (there and back) along a very rough winding dry river bed that is full of stones and rocks that have been deposited when the river floods.  It is very pretty and has many majestic old Red River Gums lining its banks and in some places there are very steep eroded cliffs with stunning rock formations of differing colours. We see many emus and kangaroos also along the way – but very little water.

This is one of the red gums on the banks of creek at the start of Brachina Gorge.

The track either travelled down the creek bed or beside it.

The different rock formations and different colours along the valley were fantastic.
We had hoped to see water hole along the creek but unfortunately they were few and far between - the ones we did see were more like mud holes.

Back to the gravel road we complete the loop by driving through the absolutely stunning Bunyeroo Gorge. At the end of the Gorge we start the climb up the Yanyana Hill and the views looking back at the Mountain Ranges and the Bunyeroo Gorge are just so picturesque - we just have to stop several times to take photos, have afternoon tea and to just sit and take in the majestic view.

The view over Bunyeroo Gorge was definitely the highlight of the day. Just a Magnificent View.

I walked down this path and found the great view at the end.
We have had another great day. We have seen some absolutely breathtaking scenery, driven places we never thought we would get to and really enjoyed ourselves.

This driving tour had a surprise view at every turn - just pure magic.



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